A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

A Reliable Source for Asian Products.

Our perfect team

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Dang Khoa Hoang

Meet Khoa Hoang, the entrepreneurial dynamo behind not one but three groundbreaking ventures. From the digital corridors of Dakoli.com to the cultural resonance of Pinsot.com and culminating in the aromatic allure of Dakoli Coffee, Khoa's ventures are a testament to his unyielding passion and innovation. Each platform tells a story of dedication, a homage to the rich Vietnamese heritage, and an unquenchable thirst (quite literally) for exceptional coffee. Dive into the world Khoa has crafted, and let it awaken your senses.

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Khanh TK Le

Welcome to the world of Khanh, where the culinary arts blend seamlessly with a love for nature. At Pinsot.com, she wears the hat of Product Manager, but her role is much more. Khanh, with her innate passion for cooking and planting, brings authenticity and depth to the curated selection on the platform. Her keen eye ensures each product tells a story of Vietnamese culture, natural integrity, and flavor. In the intersection of tradition and sustainability, you'll find Khanh meticulously ensuring that every offering resonates with her love for the earth and its delectable bounties. Journey with us and let Khanh's passion elevate your experience at Pinsot.com.

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Lieu Nguyen

Meet Lieu Nguyen: the entrepreneurial force seamlessly blending tradition with innovation across three distinctive ventures. As the co-founder of Dakoli.com, Pinsot.com, and the flavorful Dakoli Coffee, Lieu has carved a niche where heritage meets modernity. His endeavors, while diverse, share a common thread—a deep reverence for Vietnamese culture and an insatiable quest for unparalleled coffee experiences. Step into Lieu's vision and be prepared for an awakening, both of the senses and the spirit.